Zipstream tv

Zipstream: Providing High-Quality Online Network For Artists and Content Creators

Zipstream tv, video streaming technology is getting more popular, and even more, consumers are expected to transition to digital streaming in the near future. As a result, there is little question that it will continue to thrive in the next few years. To engage viewers, even musicians, artists, and content providers are increasingly resorting to […]

Zipstream tv Program Management Services

Program Management Services include the following: Collaborate with client to identify best appropriate OTT solution considering such factors as monetization, geography, languages, content type, content volume, future growth, content delivery, end-user platforms, end-user demographics, financial implications, etc. Management of OTT network design and implementation. Management of network monetization. Development of network projections.   Train and […]

What is Streaming?

Streaming Definition The technology of transmitting audio and video files in a continuous flow over a wired or wireless internet connection. What is streaming? Streaming refers to any media content – live or recorded – delivered to computers and mobile devices via the internet and played back in real time. Podcasts, webcasts, movies, TV shows […]